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  • 12月12日 李平教授学术报告(语言科学与艺术学院)

  • 2019-12-12

Academic Newsletter

报 告 人:李平 教授






Ping Li is Chair Professor of Neurolinguistics and Bilingual Studies and Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He previously served as Professor of Psychology, Linguistics, and Information Sciences & Technology at the Pennsylvania State University, where he was also Associate Director of the Institute for CyberScience. The goal of his research is to understand the neuro-computational bases of language learning and the relationships among language, culture, and the brain. His recent work uses brain-based, cyber-enabled and data-intensive methods to study language learning, bilingualism, and reading comprehension in an effort to understand neuroplasticity, individual difference, and knowledge representation. Li is Editor-in-Chief of Brain and Language and Associate Editor of Frontiers in Psychology: Language Sciences. He previously served as Editor of Bilingualism: Language and Cognition andJournal of Neurolinguistics, as President of Society for Computers in Psychology, and Program Director of Cognitive Neuroscience and of Perception, Action and Cognition at the US National Science Foundation.
